Tomb Raider Drawings annouces it's partnership with Warner Bros

Tomb Raider Drawings is happy to announce something very important for us..want to know more?
Then be ready for read this: Official Fansite "Tomb Raider Drawings" is now in partnership with Warner Bros Pictures!

With the premiere of the new Tomb Raider movie that will come in 2 months on Teathers, Warner Bros. has offered the possibility to team up with them to promote the arrival of the new Tomb Raider Movie, and other projects in future, among with all the Official Tomb Raider Fansites around the world.

Tomb Raider Drawings will have the role of "Social Influencer", who has the role to promote Warner Bros. future projects, among with the arrival of the new Tomb Raider Movie, supporting also the restart of the Franchise in the Movie category.

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Thank you, and see you soon
